Source code for e3fp.conformer.util

"""Utilities for handling SMILES strings and RDKit mols and conformers.

Author: Seth Axen
import os
import re
import copy
import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import rdkit
import rdkit.Chem
import rdkit.Chem.PropertyMol
from rdkit.Chem.PropertyMol import PropertyMol
from python_utilities.io_tools import smart_open, touch_dir

MOL_ITEM_REGEX = re.compile(
MOL_ITEM_FIELDS = ("mol_name", "proto_state_num", "conf_num")

MolItemTuple = namedtuple(
    "MolItemTuple", ["mol_name", "proto_state_num", "conf_num"]

[docs]class MolItemName(object): """Class for parsing mol item names and converting to various formats.""" def __init__( self, mol_name=None, proto_state_num=None, conf_num=None, proto_delim=PROTO_NAME_DELIM, conf_delim=CONF_NAME_DELIM, ): self.mol_name = mol_name self.proto_state_num = proto_state_num self.conf_num = conf_num self.proto_delim = proto_delim self.conf_delim = conf_delim
[docs] @classmethod def from_str( cls, mol_item_name, mol_item_regex=MOL_ITEM_REGEX, mol_item_fields=MOL_ITEM_FIELDS, **kwargs ): fields = cls.mol_item_name_to_dict( mol_item_name, mol_item_regex=mol_item_regex, mol_item_fields=mol_item_fields, ) return cls( fields["mol_name"], fields["proto_state_num"], fields["conf_num"], **kwargs )
[docs] def to_str(self): return self.mol_item_name
[docs] @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, fields_tuple): return cls(*fields_tuple)
[docs] def to_tuple(self): return MolItemTuple(self.mol_name, self.proto_state_num, self.conf_num)
@property def mol_name(self): return self._mol_name @mol_name.setter def mol_name(self, mol_name): self._mol_name = mol_name
[docs] def to_mol_name(self, as_proto=False): if as_proto: return self.proto_name else: return self.mol_name
@property def proto_name(self): return self.to_proto_name(self.proto_state_num)
[docs] def to_proto_name( self, proto_state_num=None, proto_delim=PROTO_NAME_DELIM ): if proto_state_num is not None: return "{}{}{:d}".format( self.mol_name, proto_delim, proto_state_num ) else: return self.mol_name
@property def conf_name(self): return self.to_conf_name(conf_num=self.conf_num)
[docs] def to_conf_name(self, conf_num=None, conf_delim=CONF_NAME_DELIM): if conf_num is not None: return "{}{}{:d}".format(self.proto_name, conf_delim, conf_num) else: return self.proto_name
@property def mol_item_name(self): return self.conf_name
[docs] @staticmethod def mol_item_name_to_dict( mol_item_name, mol_item_regex=MOL_ITEM_REGEX, mol_item_fields=MOL_ITEM_FIELDS, ): match = re.match(mol_item_regex, mol_item_name) groups = match.groups() fields = dict(zip(mol_item_fields, groups)) proto_state_num = fields.get("proto_state_num") if proto_state_num is not None: fields["proto_state_num"] = int(proto_state_num) conf_num = fields.get("conf_num") if conf_num is not None: fields["conf_num"] = int(conf_num) return fields
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.copy(self)
def __repr__(self): return ( "MolItemName(mol_name={}, proto_state_num={}, " "conf_num={})".format( self.mol_name, self.proto_state_num, self.conf_num ) ) def __str__(self): return self.conf_name def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.to_tuple().__gt__(other.to_tuple()) def __lt__(self, other): return self.to_tuple().__lt__(other.to_tuple()) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.to_tuple())
[docs]def smiles_generator(*filenames): """Parse SMILES file(s) and yield (name, smile). Parameters ---------- files : iterable object List of files containing smiles. File must contain one smile per line, followed by a space and then the molecule name. Yields ------ tuple: `tuple` of the format (smile, name). """ for filename in filenames: with smart_open(filename, "r") as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): values = line.rstrip("\r\n").split() if len(values) >= 2: yield tuple(values[:2]) else: logging.warning( ( "Line {:d} of {} has {:d} entries. Expected at least" " 2.".format(i + 1, filename, len(values)) ), exc_info=True, )
[docs]def smiles_to_dict(smiles_file, unique=False, has_header=False): """Read SMILES file to dict.""" smiles_gen = smiles_generator(smiles_file) if has_header: header = next(smiles_gen)"Skipping first (header) values: {!r}".format(header)) if unique: used_smiles = set() smiles_dict = {} for smiles, name in smiles_gen: if name not in smiles_dict and smiles not in used_smiles: smiles_dict[name] = smiles used_smiles.add(smiles) else: smiles_dict = {name: smiles for smiles, name in smiles_gen} return smiles_dict
[docs]def dict_to_smiles(smiles_file, smiles_dict): """Write SMILES dict to file.""" iter_to_smiles(smiles_file, sorted(smiles_dict.items()))
[docs]def iter_to_smiles(smiles_file, smiles_iter): """Write iterator of (mol_name, SMILES) to file.""" with smart_open(smiles_file, "w") as f: for mol_name, smiles in smiles_iter: f.write("{} {}\n".format(smiles, mol_name))
[docs]def mol2_generator(*filenames): """Parse name from mol2 filename and return generator. Parameters ---------- files : iterable object List of mol2 files, where filename should be molecule name followed by ".mol2" Yields ------ tuple: `tuple` of the format (file, name). """ for filename in filenames: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] yield (filename, name)
[docs]def mol_from_smiles(smiles, name, standardise=False): """Generate a n RDKit `PropertyMol` from SMILES string. Parameters ---------- smile : str SMILES string name : str Name of molecule standardise : bool Clean Mol through standardisation Returns ------- RDKit PropertyMol : Molecule. """ mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: logging.error( "Mol creation failed from SMILES: {!r}".format((smiles, name)) ) return None if standardise: mol = mol_to_standardised_mol(mol, name) mol = PropertyMol(mol) mol.SetProp("_Name", name) mol.SetProp("_SMILES", smiles) return mol
[docs]def mol_from_mol2(mol2_file, name=None, standardise=False): """Read a mol2 file into an RDKit `PropertyMol`. Parameters ---------- mol2_file : str path to a mol2 file name : str, optional Name of molecule. If not provided, uses file basename as name standardise : bool Clean mol through standardisation Returns ------- RDKit PropertyMol : Molecule. """ if name is None: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mol2_file))[0] mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromMol2File(mol2_file) if standardise: mol = mol_to_standardised_mol(mol, name) mol = PropertyMol(mol) mol.SetProp("_Name", name) return mol
[docs]def mol_from_sdf(sdf_file, conf_num=None, standardise=False): """Read SDF file into an RDKit `Mol` object. Parameters ---------- sdf_file : str Path to an SDF file conf_num : int or None, optional Maximum number of conformers to read from file. Defaults to all. standardise : bool (default False) Clean mol through standardisation Returns ------- RDKit Mol : `Mol` object with each molecule in SDF file as a conformer """ mol = None conf_energies = [] with smart_open(sdf_file, "r") as f: supplier = rdkit.Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(f) i = 0 while True: if i == conf_num: break try: new_mol = next(supplier) except StopIteration: logging.debug( "Read {:d} conformers from {}.".format(i, sdf_file) ) break if new_mol.HasProp(CONF_ENERGY_PROPNAME): conf_energies.append( float(new_mol.GetProp(CONF_ENERGY_PROPNAME)) ) if mol is None: mol = rdkit.Chem.Mol(new_mol) mol.RemoveAllConformers() conf = new_mol.GetConformers()[0] mol.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True) i += 1 if standardise: mol = mol_to_standardised_mol(mol) try: mol.GetProp("_Name") except KeyError: name = os.path.basename(sdf_file).split(".sdf")[0] mol.SetProp("_Name", name) if len(conf_energies) > 0: add_conformer_energies_to_mol(mol, conf_energies) mol.ClearProp(CONF_ENERGY_PROPNAME) return mol
[docs]def mol_to_sdf(mol, out_file, conf_num=None): """Write RDKit `Mol` objects to an SDF file. Parameters ---------- mol : RDKit Mol A molecule containing 1 or more conformations to write to file. out_file : str Path to save SDF file. conf_num : int or None, optional Maximum number of conformers to save to file. Defaults to all. """ touch_dir(os.path.dirname(out_file)) with smart_open(out_file, "w") as fobj: writer = rdkit.Chem.SDWriter(fobj) conf_ids = [conf.GetId() for conf in mol.GetConformers()] conf_energies = get_conformer_energies_from_mol(mol) mol.ClearProp(CONF_ENERGIES_PROPNAME) for i in conf_ids: if conf_num not in {-1, None} and i >= conf_num: break try: conf_energy = conf_energies[i] mol.SetProp(CONF_ENERGY_PROPNAME, "{:.4f}".format(conf_energy)) except (IndexError, TypeError): pass writer.write(mol, confId=i) writer.close() mol.ClearProp(CONF_ENERGY_PROPNAME) if conf_energies is not None: add_conformer_energies_to_mol(mol, conf_energies) logging.debug("Saved {:d} conformers to {}.".format(i + 1, out_file))
[docs]def mol_to_standardised_mol(mol, name=None): """Standardise mol(s).""" try: from standardiser import standardise from standardiser.utils import StandardiseException except ImportError: logging.warning( "standardiser module unavailable. Using unstandardised mol." ) return mol if name is None: try: name = mol.GetProp("_Name") except KeyError: name = repr(mol) if isinstance(mol, PropertyMol): mol_type = PropertyMol mol = rdkit.Chem.Mol(mol) else: mol_type = rdkit.Chem.Mol logging.debug("Standardising {}".format(name)) try: std_mol = except AttributeError: # backwards-compatible with old standardiser std_mol = standardise.apply(mol) except StandardiseException: logging.error( ( "Standardisation of {} failed. Using unstandardised " "mol.".format(name) ), exc_info=True, ) return mol_type(mol) std_mol = mol_type(std_mol) try: std_mol.SetProp("_Name", mol.GetProp("_Name")) except KeyError: pass return std_mol
[docs]def add_conformer_energies_to_mol(mol, energies): """Add conformer energies as mol property. See discussion at """ energies_str = CONF_ENERGIES_DELIM.join( "{:.4f}".format(e) for e in energies ) mol.SetProp(CONF_ENERGIES_PROPNAME, energies_str) return mol
[docs]def get_conformer_energies_from_mol(mol): """Get conformer energies from mol.""" if not mol.HasProp(CONF_ENERGIES_PROPNAME): return None energies_str = mol.GetProp(CONF_ENERGIES_PROPNAME) energies = [float(x) for x in energies_str.split(CONF_ENERGIES_DELIM)] return energies