Source code for e3fp.fingerprint.structs

"""Class for defining 3D atom environments.

Author: Seth Axen
from __future__ import division, print_function
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import rdkit.Chem

import smart_open
from e3fp.fingerprint import array_ops

    "HETATM{atom_id:>5d} {name:<4s} LIG A   1    "
    "{occupancy:>6.2f}{temp:>6.2f}          {elem:>2s}{charge:>2s}"

[docs]class Shell(object): """A container for other Shells centered on an atom. Shells represent all atoms explicitly within a container. Atoms are represented by their ids. If atoms are provided instead of shells, they are converted to single-atom shells. A Substruct is generated from a Shell on the fly by recursion through member shells. An optional identifier may be set. """ def __init__( self, center_atom, shells=set(), radius=None, last_shell=None, identifier=None, ): if isinstance(center_atom, rdkit.Chem.Atom): center_atom = center_atom.GetIdx() elif not isinstance(center_atom, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError("center_atom must be Atom or atom id") self._center_atom = center_atom self._shells = set() for shell in shells: if isinstance(shell, int): shell = Shell(shell) elif isinstance(shell, rdkit.Chem.Atom): shell = Shell(shell.GetIdx()) elif not isinstance(shell, Shell): raise TypeError("shells must be Shells, Atoms, or atom ids") if shell.center_atom == self.center_atom: raise FormatError( "member shells cannot be centered on same " "center_atom as new shell" ) self._shells.add(shell) self._shells = frozenset(self._shells) self.radius = radius self.last_shell = last_shell self.atoms = None self.substruct = None self.identifier = identifier self.is_duplicate = False self.duplicate = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_substruct(cls, substruct): """Create shell with one shell for each atom in the substruct.""" if substruct.center_atom is None: raise FormatError( "Can only create Shell from Substruct if " "center_atom is defined" ) atoms = substruct.atoms ^ {substruct.center_atom} return cls(substruct.center_atom, [Shell(x) for x in atoms])
@property def center_atom(self): return self._center_atom @property def shells(self): return self._shells @property def atoms(self): """Get all atoms explicitly within the shell.""" if self._atoms is None: self._atoms = set([self.center_atom,]) self._atoms.update([x.center_atom for x in self.shells]) return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, atoms): self._atoms = atoms @property def substruct(self): """Get substruct with all atoms implicitly within the shell.""" if self._substruct is None: atom_sets = [set(x.substruct.atoms) for x in self.shells] if len(atom_sets) > 0: atoms = reduce(set.union, atom_sets) else: atoms = set() self._substruct = Substruct( center_atom=self.center_atom, atoms=atoms ) = self return self._substruct @substruct.setter def substruct(self, substruct): if not isinstance(substruct, Substruct) and substruct is not None: raise TypeError("substruct must be of type Substruct") self._substruct = substruct def __repr__(self): return ( "Shell(center_atom={!r}, shells={!r}, radius={!r}, " "last_shell={!r}, identifier={!r})" ).format( self.center_atom, tuple(self.shells), self.radius, self.last_shell, self.identifier, ) def __str__(self): return ( "Shell(center_atom={!r}, atoms={!r}, radius={!r}, " "identifier={!r})" ).format( self.center_atom, tuple(self.atoms), self.radius, self.identifier ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.center_atom, self.shells)) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.center_atom == other.center_atom) and ( self.shells == other.shells ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __len__(self): return 1 + len(self.shells) def __contains__(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, rdkit.Chem.Atom)): key = Shell(key) return key in self.shells or key == self
[docs]class Substruct(object): """A container for atoms optionally centered on an atom. A Substruct represents all atoms implicitly within a Shell. Two Substructs are equal if they contain the same atoms. """ def __init__(self, center_atom=None, atoms=set()): self.center_atom = center_atom = None self._atoms = set() for atom in atoms: if isinstance(atom, rdkit.Chem.Atom): atom = atom.GetIdx() elif not isinstance(atom, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError("atoms must be Atom or atom id") self._atoms.add(atom) if self.center_atom is not None: self._atoms.add(self.center_atom) self._atoms = frozenset(self._atoms) self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4, dtype=float)
[docs] @classmethod def from_shell(cls, shell): return shell.substruct
@property def center_atom(self): return self._center_atom @center_atom.setter def center_atom(self, center_atom): if isinstance(center_atom, rdkit.Chem.Atom): center_atom = center_atom.GetIdx() elif ( not isinstance(center_atom, (int, np.integer)) and center_atom is not None ): raise TypeError("center_atom must be Atom or atom id") self._center_atom = center_atom @property def atoms(self): return self._atoms def __repr__(self): return "Substruct(center_atom={!r}, atoms={!r})".format( self.center_atom, tuple(self.atoms) ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __hash__(self): return hash(self.atoms) def __eq__(self, other): return self.atoms == other.atoms def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __len__(self): return len(self.atoms) def __contains__(self, key): if isinstance(key, rdkit.Chem.Atom): key = key.GetIdx() return key in self.atoms
[docs]class FormatError(Exception): pass
# methods/classes for shell i/o
[docs]def shell_to_pdb( mol, shell, atom_coords, bound_atoms_dict, out_file=None, reorient=True ): """Append substructure within shell to PDB. Parameters ---------- mol : RDKit Mol Input mol shell : Shell A shell atom_coords : dict Dict matching atom id to coordinates. bound_atoms_dict : dict Dict matching atom id to id of bound atoms. out_file : str or None, optional File to which to append coordinates. reorient : bool, optional Use the transformation matrix in the shell to align by the stereo quadrants. If no transformation matrix present, centers the center atom. Returns ------- list of str: list of PDB file lines, if `out_file` not specified """ remark = "REMARK 400" header_lines = [remark + " COMPOUND", remark + " " + mol.GetProp("_Name")] lines = header_lines + [ "MODEL", ] atom_ids = sorted(shell.substruct.atoms) atoms = [mol.GetAtomWithIdx(int(x)) for x in atom_ids] coords = np.asarray(list(map(atom_coords.get, atom_ids)), dtype=float) if reorient: try: coords = array_ops.transform_array(shell.transform_matrix, coords) except AttributeError: coords -= atom_coords[shell.center_atom] for i, atom_id in enumerate(atom_ids): elem = atoms[i].GetSymbol() name = "{}{:d}".format(elem, atom_id + 1) charge = atoms[i].GetFormalCharge() if charge > 0: charge = "{:d}+".format(charge) elif charge < 0: charge = "{:d}-".format(abs(charge)) else: charge = "" if atom_id == shell.center_atom: temp = 1.0 elif atom_id in shell.atoms: temp = 0.5 else: temp = 0.0 pdb_entries = { "atom_id": atom_id, "name": name, "coord": coords[i, :].flatten(), "occupancy": 0.0, "temp": temp, "elem": elem, "charge": charge, } lines.append(PDB_LINE.format(**pdb_entries)) # PLACEHOLDER FOR WRITING BONDS TO PDB # used_bonds = set() # write_bonds = [] # for atom_id in atom_ids: # write_bonds.append(atom_id) # bound_atom_ids = bound_atoms_dict.get(atom_id, set()) # for bound_atom_id in bound_atom_ids: # if (atom_id, bound_atom_id) in used_bonds: # continue # if len(write_bonds) > 3: # lines.append("CONECT "+" ".join(map(str, write_bonds))) # write_bonds = [atom_id,] # write_bonds.append(bound_atom_id) # used_bonds.add((atom_id, bound_atom_id)) # used_bonds.add((bound_atom_id, atom_id)) # lines.append("CONECT "+" ".join(map(str, write_bonds))) # write_bonds = [] lines.append("ENDMDL") if out_file is not None: with, "a") as f: for line in lines: f.write(line + "\n") else: return lines