Source code for e3fp.fingerprint.db

"""Database for accessing and serializing fingerprints.

Author: Seth Axen
from __future__ import division
from collections import defaultdict

import pickle as pkl
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.sparse import vstack, csr_matrix
import smart_open
from ..util import deprecated, E3FPEfficiencyWarning
from .fprint import (
from .util import E3FPBitsValueError, E3FPInvalidFingerprintError

[docs]class FingerprintDatabase(object): """Efficiently build, access, compare, and save fingerprints. Fingerprints must have the same values of `bits` and `level`. Additionally, all fingerprints will be cast to the type of fingerprint passed to the database upon instantiation. Parameters ---------- fp_type : type, optional Type of fingerprint (`Fingerprint`, `CountFingerprint`, `FloatFingerprint`). level : int, optional Level, or number of iterations used during fingerprinting. name : str, optional Name of database. Attributes ---------- array : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Sparse matrix with dimensions N x M, where M is `bits`, and M is `fp_num`. bits : int Number of bits (length) of fingerprints. fp_names : list of str Names of fingerprints. fp_names_to_indices : dict Map from fingerprint name to row indices of `array`. fp_num : int Number of fingerprints in database. fp_type : type Type of fingerprint (`Fingerprint`, `CountFingerprint`, `FloatFingerprint`) level : int Level, or number of iterations used during fingerprinting. name : str Name of database props : dict Dict with keys specifying names of fingerprint properties and values corresponding to array of values. Notes ----- Since most fingerprints are very sparse length-wise, `FingerprintDatabase` is implemented as a wrapper around a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` for efficient memory usage. This provides easy access to underlying data for tight integration with NumPy/SciPy and machine learning packages while simultaneously providing several fingerprint-specific features. See Also -------- e3fp.fingerprint.fprint.Fingerprint: A fingerprint that stores indices of "on" bits Examples -------- >>> from e3fp.fingerprint.db import FingerprintDatabase >>> from e3fp.fingerprint.fprint import Fingerprint >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(2) >>> db = FingerprintDatabase(fp_type=Fingerprint, name="TestDB") >>> print(db) FingerprintDatabase[name: TestDB, fp_type: Fingerprint, level: -1, bits: None, fp_num: 0] >>> bvs = (np.random.uniform(size=(3, 1024)) > .9).astype(bool) >>> fps = [Fingerprint.from_vector(bvs[i, :], name="fp" + str(i)) ... for i in range(bvs.shape[0])] >>> db.add_fingerprints(fps) >>> print(db) FingerprintDatabase[name: TestDB, fp_type: Fingerprint, level: -1, bits: 1024, fp_num: 3] The contained fingerprints may be accessed by index or name. >>> db[0] Fingerprint(indices=array([40, ..., 1012]), level=-1, bits=1024, name=fp0) >>> db['fp2'] [Fingerprint(indices=array([0, ..., 1013]), level=-1, bits=1024, name=fp2)] Alternatively, the underlying `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` may be accessed. >>> db.array <3x1024 sparse matrix of type '<... 'numpy.bool_'>' ...with 327 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format> >>> db.array.toarray() array([[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], [ True, False, False, ..., False, False, False]]) Fingerprint properties may be stored in the database. >>> db.set_prop("prop", np.arange(3)) The database can be efficiently stored and loaded. >>> db.savez("/tmp/test_db.fpz") >>> db = FingerprintDatabase.load("/tmp/test_db.fpz") >>> print(db) FingerprintDatabase[name: TestDB, fp_type: Fingerprint, level: -1, bits: 1024, fp_num: 3] Various comparison metrics in `e3fp.fingerprint.metrics` can operate efficiently directly on databases >>> from e3fp.fingerprint.metrics import tanimoto, dice, cosine >>> tanimoto(db, db) array([[1. , 0.0591133 , 0.04245283], [0.0591133 , 1. , 0.0531401 ], [0.04245283, 0.0531401 , 1. ]]) >>> dice(db, db) array([[1. , 0.11162791, 0.08144796], [0.11162791, 1. , 0.10091743], [0.08144796, 0.10091743, 1. ]]) >>> cosine(db, db) array([[1. , 0.11163878, 0.08145547], [0.11163878, 1. , 0.10095568], [0.08145547, 0.10095568, 1. ]]) """ def __init__(self, fp_type=Fingerprint, level=-1, name=None): if fp_type not in (Fingerprint, CountFingerprint, FloatFingerprint): raise TypeError( "{} is not a valid fingerprint type".format(fp_type) ) = name self.fp_type = fp_type self.level = level self.array = None self.fp_names = [] self.fp_names_to_indices = defaultdict(list) self.props = {}
[docs] def add_fingerprints(self, fprints): """Add fingerprints to database. Parameters ---------- fprints : iterable of Fingerprint Fingerprints to add to database """ self._check_fingerprints_are_valid(fprints) dtype = self.fp_type.vector_dtype if self.fp_num > 0: prop_names = self.props.keys() else: prop_names = [ k for k in fprints[0].props.keys() if k != NAME_PROP_KEY ] new_rows = [] new_names = [] new_props = {x: [] for x in prop_names} for fprint in fprints: new_rows.append(fprint.to_vector(sparse=True, dtype=dtype)) new_names.append( for prop_name in prop_names: new_props[prop_name].append(fprint.get_prop(prop_name)) try: old_fp_num = self.fp_num self.array = vstack([self.array] + list(new_rows)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # array not yet defined old_fp_num = 0 self.array = vstack(new_rows) self.array = self.array.tocsr() del new_rows self.fp_names += new_names self.update_names_map(new_names=new_names, offset=old_fp_num) self.update_props(new_props, append=True)
[docs] def update_names_map(self, new_names=None, offset=0): """Update map of fingerprint names to row indices of `self.array`. Parameters ---------- new_names : iterable of str, optional Names to add to map. If None, map is completely rebuilt. offset : int, optional Number of rows before new rows. """ if new_names is None: new_names = self.fp_names for i, name in enumerate(new_names): self.fp_names_to_indices[name].append(i + offset)
[docs] def update_props(self, props_dict, append=False, check_length=True): """Set multiple properties at once. Parameters ---------- props_dict : dict Dict of properties. Values must be array-like of length `fp_num`. append : bool, optional Append values to those already in database. By default, properties are overwritten if already present. check_length : bool, optional Check to ensure number of properties match number of fingerprints already in database. This should only be set to False for temporary iterative updating. """ for prop_name, prop_vals in props_dict.items(): if append and prop_name in self.props: prop_vals = np.append(self.get_prop(prop_name), prop_vals) self.set_prop(prop_name, prop_vals, check_length=check_length)
[docs] def get_subset(self, fp_names, name=None): """Get database with subset of fingerprints. Parameters ---------- fp_names : list of str List of fingerprint names to include in new db. name : str, optional Name of database """ try: indices, fp_names = zip( *[ (y, x) for x in fp_names for y in self.fp_names_to_indices[x] ] ) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Not all provided fingerprint names are in database." ) array = self.array[indices, :] props = {k: v[list(indices)] for k, v in self.props.items()} return FingerprintDatabase.from_array( array, fp_names=fp_names, fp_type=self.fp_type, level=self.level, name=name, props=props, )
[docs] def get_density(self, index=None): """Get percentage of fingerprints with 'on' bit at position. Parameters ---------- index : int or None, optional Index to bit for which to return positional density. If None, density for whole database is returned. Returns ------- float Density of 'on' position in database """ if index is not None: if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("Index must be an integer") return (self.array.indices == index).sum() / self.fp_num return self.array.nnz / (self.bits * self.fp_num)
[docs] def as_type(self, fp_type, copy=False): """Get database with fingerprint type `fp_type`. Parameters ---------- fp_type : type Type of fingerprint (`Fingerprint`, `CountFingerprint`, `FloatFingerprint`) copy : bool, optional Force copy of database. If False, if database is already of requested type, no copy is made. Returns ------- FingerprintDatabase Database coerced to fingerprint type of `fp_type`. """ if fp_type is self.fp_type and not copy: return self return FingerprintDatabase.from_array( self.array, fp_names=self.fp_names, fp_type=fp_type, level=self.level,, props=self.props, )
[docs] def fold(self, bits, fp_type=None, name=None): """Get copy of database folded to specified bit length. Parameters ---------- bits : int Number of bits to which to fold database. fp_type : type or None, optional Type of fingerprint (Fingerprint, CountFingerprint, FloatFingerprint). Defaults to same type. name : str, optional Name of database Returns ------- FingerprintDatabase Database folded to specified length. Raises ------ BitsValueError If `bits` is greater than the length of the database or database cannot be evenly folded to length `bits`. """ if bits > self.bits: raise E3FPBitsValueError("Folded bits greater than existing bits") if not np.log2(self.bits / bits).is_integer(): raise E3FPBitsValueError( "Existing bits divided by power of 2 does not give folded bits" ) if fp_type is None: fp_type = self.fp_type dtype = dtype_from_fptype(fp_type) if name is None: name = fold_arr = csr_matrix( (, self.array.indices % bits, self.array.indptr), shape=self.array.shape, ) fold_arr.sum_duplicates() fold_arr = fold_arr[:, :bits].tocsr() =, copy=False) return self.from_array( fold_arr, fp_names=self.fp_names, fp_type=fp_type, level=self.level, name=name, props=self.props, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_array( cls, array, fp_names, fp_type=None, level=-1, name=None, props={} ): """Instantiate from array. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Sparse matrix with dimensions `N` x `M`, where `M` is the number of bits in the fingerprints. fp_names : list of str `N` names of fingerprints in `array`. fp_type : type, optional Type of fingerprint (Fingerprint, CountFingerprint, FloatFingerprint). level : int, optional Level, or number of iterations used during fingerprinting. name : str or None, optional Name of database. props : dict, optional Dict with keys specifying names of fingerprint properties and values corresponding to length `N` array of values. Returns ------- FingerprintDatabase Database containing fingerprints in `array`. """ dtype = array.dtype if fp_type is None: try: fp_type = fptype_from_dtype(dtype) except TypeError: logging.warning( ( "`fp_type` not provided and array dtype {} does not " "match fingerprint-associated dtype. Defaulting to " "binary `Fingerprint.`" ).format(dtype) ) fp_type = Fingerprint dtype = dtype_from_fptype(fp_type) else: dtype = dtype_from_fptype(fp_type) db = cls(fp_type=fp_type, level=level, name=name) db.array = csr_matrix(array, dtype=dtype) db.fp_names = list(fp_names) db.update_names_map() db.update_props(props) return db
@deprecated("1.2", msg="Use `savez` instead.") def save(self, fn="fingerprints.fps.bz2"): """Save database to file. Parameters ---------- fn : str, optional Filename or basename if extension does not include '.fps' """ if ".fps" not in fn: fn += ".fps.bz2" with, "wb") as f: pkl.dump(self, f)
[docs] def savez(self, fn="fingerprints.fpz"): """Save database to file. Database is serialized using `numpy.savez_compressed`. Parameters ---------- fn : str, optional Filename or basename if extension is not '.fpz' """ if not fn.endswith(".fpz"): fn += ".fpz" array_dict = { "data":, "shape": self.array.shape, "indices": self.array.indices, "indptr": self.array.indptr, "fp_names": np.array(self.fp_names), "level": self.level, "name":, "fp_type": self.fp_type, } for k, v in self.props.items(): array_dict["_" + str(k)] = v with open(fn, "wb") as f: np.savez_compressed(f, **array_dict)
[docs] def savetxt(self, fn, with_names=True): """Save bitstring representation to text file. Only implemented for `fp_type` of `Fingerprint`. This should not be attempted for large numbers of bits. Parameters ---------- fn : str or filehandle Out file. Extension is automatically parsed to determine whether compression is used. with_names : bool, optional Include name of fingerprint in same row after bitstring. Raises ------ E3FPInvalidFingerprintError If `fp_type` is not `Fingerprint`. E3FPEfficiencyWarning If `bits` is over 2^14 = 16384. """ if self.fp_type is not Fingerprint: raise E3FPInvalidFingerprintError( "Only binary `Fingerprint` databases may be saved to " "bitstrings." ) if self.bits > 2 ** 14: warnings.warn( ( "Saving sparse bitstrings to text file is highly " "inefficient for large bit lengths" ), category=E3FPEfficiencyWarning, stacklevel=2, ) row_fmt = "{0:s}" if with_names: row_fmt += " {1:s}" with, "w") as f: for i in range(self.fp_num): # Much more efficient to access underlying arrays indices = self.array.indices[ self.array.indptr[i] : self.array.indptr[i + 1] ] bs = "1".join( [ "0" * j for j in np.diff(np.r_[-1, indices, self.bits]) - 1 ] ) f.write(row_fmt.format(bs, self.fp_names[i]) + "\n")
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, fn): """Load database from file. The extension is used to determine how database was serialized (`save` vs `savez`). Parameters ---------- fn : str Filename Returns ------- FingerprintDatabase Database """ if fn.endswith(".fpz"): if scipy.__version__ < "1.0": warnings.warn( ( "Use SciPy 1.0 or newer to efficiently load large " "FingerprintDatabases." ), category=E3FPEfficiencyWarning, stacklevel=2, ) array_dict = dict(np.load(fn, allow_pickle=True).items()) props_dict = {} for k in list(array_dict.keys()): if k.startswith("_"): v = array_dict.pop(k) props_dict[k[1:]] = v array = csr_matrix( ( array_dict["data"], array_dict["indices"], array_dict["indptr"], ), shape=array_dict["shape"], ) return FingerprintDatabase.from_array( array, array_dict["fp_names"], fp_type=array_dict["fp_type"].item(), level=array_dict["level"].item(), name=array_dict["name"].item(), props=props_dict, ) else: with, "rb") as f: return pkl.load(f)
@property def fp_num(self): try: return self.array.shape[0] except AttributeError: return 0 @property def bits(self): try: return self.array.shape[1] except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def get_prop(self, key): """Get property. Raises ------ KeyError If `key` not in `props`. """ try: return self.props[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Database does not have property.")
[docs] def set_prop(self, key, vals, check_length=True): """Set values of property for fingerprints. Parameters ---------- key : str Name of property vals : array_like Values of property. check_length : bool, optional Check to ensure number of properties match number of fingerprints already in database. This should only be set to False for temporary iterative updating. """ vals = np.asanyarray(vals) if check_length and vals.shape[0] != len(self.fp_names): raise ValueError("props must have the same count as fingerprints.") self.props[key] = vals
def _get_fprint_at_index(self, i): return self.fp_type.from_vector( self.array[i, :], level=self.level, name=self.fp_names[i], props=self._get_fprint_props(i), ) def _get_fprint_props(self, i): return {k: v[i] for k, v in self.props.items()} def _check_fingerprints_are_valid(self, fprints): """Check if passed fingerprints fit database.""" if fprints[0].level != self.level: raise ValueError( "Provided fingerprints must have database level" " {}".format(self.level) ) if self.fp_type is None: self.fp_type = fprints[0].__class__ elif self.fp_type is not fprints[0].__class__: logging.warning( "Database is of type {}. Fingerprints will be cast" " to this type.".format(self.fp_type.__name__) ) def __eq__(self, other): if ( self.fp_type == other.fp_type and self.level == other.level and self.bits == other.bits and self.fp_num == other.fp_num and self.fp_names_to_indices == other.fp_names_to_indices ): if self.array is None or other.array is None: return self.array is other.array else: return (self.array - other.array).nnz == 0 else: return False def __neq__(self, other): return not self == other def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.fp_num): yield self.fp_type.from_vector( self.array[i, :], level=self.level, name=self.fp_names[i] ) def __add__(self, other): return concat([self, other]) def __repr__(self): return "FingerprintDatabase(fp_type={}, level={}, name='{}')".format( self.fp_type.__name__, self.level, ) def __str__(self): return ( "FingerprintDatabase[name: {}, fp_type: {}, level: {}, " "bits: {}, fp_num: {}]" ).format(, self.fp_type.__name__, self.level, self.bits, self.fp_num, ) def __len__(self): return self.fp_num def __getitem__(self, key): """Get list of fingerprints with name.""" if isinstance(key, str): try: indices = self.fp_names_to_indices[key] except AttributeError: raise KeyError( "fingerprint named {} is not in the database".format(key) ) return [self._get_fprint_at_index(i) for i in indices] elif isinstance(key, int): try: return self._get_fprint_at_index(key) except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise IndexError("index out of range") else: raise TypeError("Key or index must be str or int.") def __copy__(self): return FingerprintDatabase.from_array( self.array, self.fp_names, fp_type=self.fp_type, level=self.level,, props=self.props, ) def __getstate__(self): d = {} d["name"] = d["fp_type"] = self.fp_type d["level"] = self.level d["array"] = self.array d["fp_names"] = self.fp_names d["props"] = self.props return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.__dict__["fp_names_to_indices"] = defaultdict(list) self.update_names_map() if "props" not in state: self.props = {}
@deprecated("1.2", msg="Use `concat` instead.") def append(dbs): """Efficiently concatenate `FingerprintDatabase` objects. The databases must be of the same type with the same number of bits, level, and property names. Parameters ---------- dbs : iterable of FingerprintDatabase Fingerprint databases Returns ------- FingerprintDatabase Database with all fingerprints from provided databases. """ return concat(dbs)
[docs]def concat(dbs): """Efficiently concatenate `FingerprintDatabase` objects. The databases must be of the same type with the same number of bits, level, and property names. Parameters ---------- dbs : iterable of FingerprintDatabase Fingerprint databases Returns ------- FingerprintDatabase Database with all fingerprints from provided databases. See Also -------- FingerprintDatabase Examples -------- >>> from e3fp.fingerprint.db import FingerprintDatabase, concat >>> from e3fp.fingerprint.fprint import Fingerprint >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(2) >>> db1 = FingerprintDatabase(fp_type=Fingerprint, name="TestDB1", level=5) >>> db2 = FingerprintDatabase(fp_type=Fingerprint, name="TestDB2", level=5) >>> bvs = (np.random.uniform(size=(6, 1024)) > .9).astype(bool) >>> fps = [Fingerprint.from_vector(bvs[i, :], name="fp" + str(i), level=5) ... for i in range(bvs.shape[0])] >>> db1.add_fingerprints(fps[:3]) >>> db2.add_fingerprints(fps[3:]) >>> print(concat([db1, db2])) FingerprintDatabase[name: None, fp_type: Fingerprint, level: 5, bits: 1024, fp_num: 6] """ dbs = list(dbs) level = dbs[0].level bits = dbs[0].bits fp_type = dbs[0].fp_type arrays = [] fp_names = [] full_db = FingerprintDatabase(fp_type=fp_type, level=level) for i, db in enumerate(dbs): if db.level != level: raise TypeError( "Cannot concatenate databases with different levels" ) elif db.bits != bits: raise TypeError( "Cannot concatenate databases with different bit lengths" ) elif db.fp_type != fp_type: raise TypeError( "Cannot concatenate databases with different " "fingerprint types" ) arrays.append(db.array) fp_names.extend(db.fp_names) full_db.update_props(db.props, append=True, check_length=False) full_db.array = vstack(arrays).tocsr() full_db.fp_names = fp_names for prop_name, prop_vals in full_db.props.items(): if len(prop_vals) != full_db.fp_num: raise ValueError("props must have the same count as fingerprints.") full_db.update_names_map() return full_db